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Aalto - Support for Learning

Architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture and design - we are all using the same digital design tools. The point of view is slightly different. In the best scenario, we could learn from each other.

The goal of this page is to introduce digital design-related facilities, services and tools in Aalto. From the departments' subpages, you'll find info, how your own department supports the learning of digital design.


Find out, if you can download certain
software to your home computer.

Aalto IT Windows
Classroom Software List

Check from Aalto Wiki which classrooms have the software you need. You can use the computers if there is no teaching session or a teacher gives you permission to be there during the teaching.


Printing - Unigrafia

There are many printers in Otaniemi which you can use.
Learn how to print with "normal" paper printers.

Printlab in Väre

Make high-quality prints of photographs and graphics.

3D Print learning
Environment in Väre

Students can prototype and create additive and digital manufacturing.

Establishing a remote
connection (VPN) to an Aalto network

If you have a connection to the Aalto network,
you can study more fluently at home.

Check also

Department of Architecture

Department of Design

(Content on process)

Last Updated on 2.1.2022
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