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Do you aim at deepening your theoretical understanding of digital design? Would you like to examine examples of design works? Or do you have a technical dilemma and you need the support of other users?

The Guide for Digital Design helps you with these things. 

Digital Design

Modern architecture, design, and engineering are sharing the digital domain. Whether it is text, images, or CAD (computer-aided design) data, information is created, shared, edited & stored in digital form from research and project planning to design & manufacturing, and even lifecycle management. Therefore, when we discuss digital design it is important to remember its two dimensions.


Digital design is:

- use of digital tools

- a multidisciplinary process


Additional information in Articles.

Examples of digital design in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and design. Pictures: 1. House: Taika Pirilä. 2. Trees: Siiri Virransola 3. Wheel rim: Anssi Ahonen
Examples of digital design in the field of interior architecture. Video: Jaakko Hyvärinen

What is the purpose of this guide?

An enormous amount of details and possibilities are involved when learning digital design skills. This site’s goal is to gather digital design information in the same place and give tools to filter information and solve tricky problem situations together.

The site assembles digital design guidelines and practical examples that support the design courses mainly on the bachelor level. Digital Design Workflows -section is suitable for students of architecture, landscape architecture, design, and interior architecture - and basically anyone interested.

Guide for digital design consist of 5 key elements:

Learn digital
design theory

Find out how Aalto and your own department supports digital design learning 

Check examples of design works and learn the essential concepts

Solve challenges
with other website users

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Use English to find info from Workflows-side (theoretical) and Finnish if your interest is practical "end product" (Library).