Original photo: David Cloe on Unsplash
Original photo: Rishi on Unsplash
Raster quiz
1 / 10
Why the water appears stationary on the left picture?
Shaking hands might also cause bad quality, but in this case, the biggest challenge is the rapidly running water. Shutter speed needs to be very short to get a nice result. More information concerning "shutter speed".
2 / 10
You wish to take a nice picture of a pretty cat. How do you adjust the camera settings so that the cat would look sharp and the background blurry?
3 / 10
What does ISO mean?
4 / 10
Your goal is to take a picture of a bridge. The weather is sunny - no clouds in sight. What is the ISO recommendation?
5 / 10
Let's assume that you have already made an architectural model, but now you wish to add realistic background to it (to make the customer really happy). Digital photography -section taught basic tricks on how to shoot a good photo, but now our aim is to create a photo collage.
What tool you do not need to reach the same kind of photo collage result as in the picture?
6 / 10
You wish to add lights and shadows to an indoor space. What claim is false (or at least bad advice)?
7 / 10
You wish to correct perspective, adjust colors and add plants to a street view. Which software would be the most suitable one of the given options?
8 / 10
You aim at adding a shadow for a tree. Which statement is false?
9 / 10
Which statement related to color profiles is false?
10 / 10
You are going to edit the picture. What is challenging to do with software that handles raster data?
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